Continuación 4

01.08.2011 13:57

Another development is a pilot of Sycamore Tree, the Prison Fellowship victim awareness course for prisoners, based on the Bible story of Zacchaeus. This was run by a team of facilitators including Julie Noble, a British Prison Fellowship volunteer working for ten years in Oruro, a three-hour bus journey south of La Paz. Her colleague Karen Thompson adapted the Sycamore Tree course to be more suitable for the Bolivian context in being more oral and interactive. They ran two such courses, one with seven participants who were drug offenders, and another with a group serving sentences for murder and manslaughter. As the women’s prison in Oruro is inside the men’s prison, both these courses ran with a mixed group of participants. Prison Fellowship was planning to hold another course in October 2009 (again with drug offenders), and later to develop their work to include direct meetings between victims and offenders.